It's Music and Blossom time in Cañon City. With that come all types of festivities from the annual parade to music in the park and much more. It also means Rotary Duck Derby tickets are now for sale. The annual Rotary Duck Derby is produced by the Rotary Club of Cañon City and the Rotary Club of Florence/Eastern Fremont County. Between now and mid-June 12 local non-profit organizations will be selling a chance to win anywhere from $50 to $1,000 and the possibility of winning $35,000 toward the purchase of a car from Lindner Chevrolet. These participating non-profits will be selling at the Rotary Duck Derby booth at the many events taking place in the are over the next two months: Canon City Literacy Center CCHS Funfest Florence Funfest Fremont Center for the Arts Fremont Search & Rescue Humane Society of Fremont County Boy Scout Troop 121 Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center Loaves & Fishes Pantry of Fremont Starpoint The Ark Child Care |
Ducky Race Winners |
Cañon City Rotary PavilionThe new pavilion in Centennial Park and the Rotary Club of Cañon City’s involvement. (Photo by George Small) ![]() |
Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center is Duck Derby RecipientThe following is extracted from a press release sent out announcing the recipient of the Duck Derby proceeds: The Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center (CAC) will be the recipient of the Club’s portion of the ticket sales. ![]() The Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is a grant funded project through Family Crisis Services, Inc., the domestic violence & sexual assault assistance program for Fremont and Custer Counties. The CAC relies on grant funds and the generosity of community members in order to provide services to our families. Up until now, children who were victims of sexual assault had to tell their horrific story over and over again to various agencies. This meant reliving the nightmare each time. Thanks to the soon-to-be-opened CAC, the child and family members will be taken to a safe, child friendly environment to tell their story to the different agencies involved. The CAC is designed to ensure that the child and their family receive all the services they need to navigate and heal through each process. “Our members considered several worthy options, and in the end chose the CAC because of the vitally needed services it will provide to the community,” states Zach Reynolds, President of the Rotary Club of Cañon City. “With the help of our ticket buyers, we hope to provide the CAC with a sizeable portion of the funds they need to make this Center a reality,” Reynolds concludes. |
6th Annual Rubber Ducky DerbyThe 6th Annual Rubber Ducky Derby will be here before you know it (July 4, 2018). The Duck Race Committee, comprised of Rotarians from the Cañon City and Florence Rotary Clubs, is already meeting to plan this year's festivities. Follow all the fun and updates by liking our Event Page. Just click on the link below the photo. ![]() |
Vocational Service |
Chamber Member of the Month, January 2018 |
Rotary 2018 Calendar showcases Fremont County and provides scholarships
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Join Rotary. Get Involved. Here's Why:
Perhaps the page below, entitled "Are you the Missing Piece?" can help describe what Rotary is and why someone would want to become a Rotary Club member. |
Christmas Party 2015If you have questions or need to confirm your reservation, please contact Colleen Ryan.
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Chuck Walser![]() Chuck Walser will not attend another meeting of the Rotary Club of Canon City, but his tales will live forever. In particular Chuck will be remember for the visit of a famous Russian diplomat, complete KGB guard and a black limousine with Russian flags displayed on the fenders. Our condolences go to Chuck's family for their loss.
George Patterson - Community Hero![]() |
2015 Rotary Rubber Ducky Derby Rules![]() Last Call for participants in the 2015 Rotary Rubber Ducky Derby. 4,000 tickets will be sold by "Community Partners" and Rotary club members. Tickets are $5.00 for the adoption of a duck. There are five cash prizes from $1,000 to $50. Again this year, each participant will be eligible for a $35,000 GM car if their duck meets the finishing criteria. Lindner Chevrolet is sponsoring the insurance for the car. The insuring agent will select the number of the 4,000 ducks; if that duck is one of the first 10 ducks across the finish line, the car is awarded. Good Luck! The derby will be held on June 27 at the pedestrian bridge at City Hall over Oil Creek Ditch. See the detail rules below.
Dr. Michael J. BarnesDr. Michael J. Barnes "Doc" passed away at his home on January 8, 2013, Services are pending, but likely on Saturday or Monday. Doc was not one to hold his words and regularly arrived at Rotary at 11:30 to banter with any political comer. RIP, Doc, we will miss you. |
YOU CAN BE A PAUL HARRIS FELLOWThe Rotary Foundation (TRF) is the charitable organization of Rotary. It funds the many programs, such as humanitarian grants, Vocational Training Travel (formerly Group Study Exchange), World Peace Scholars, Ambasadorial Scholars and PolioPlus. Your donations make this work possible. You can become a sustaining member with a donation of, at least, $100. With an accumulated donation of $1,000, you will be recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). You will become a "multiple PHF" with additional donations in.increments of $1,000.
Polio PlusSince 1985, when Rotary launched its ambitious program to immunize all the world’s children against polio, Your recent gift validates the strength and resolve of our organization and members, and inspires those who have dedicated themselves to this fight. I am truly moved to think that Rotarians, with the generous support and commitment of people like you, will eradicate polio — keeping the promise we made to all the world’s children. On their behalf, I extend my deep appreciation for your gift. I invite you to track our progress by subscribing to share it with your family and Facebook friends.
Sincerely, Kalyan Banerjee |
MEMBER ACCESS IS THE WAY TO YOUR ROTARY INFORMATIONConduct Rotary business with Member AccessVisit Rotary Showcase to share and publicize your projects or browse projects by location or category. ![]() Set and track your club's goals with Rotary Club Central. |
Joint Venture with Fremont Campus has created the Rotary Leadership AcademyThe second session of the Rotary Leadership Academy started on January 20th. The seminar was created to address the need for more first semester students, non-traditional, concurrent enrollment, multicultural, students with disabilities, transfer, and traditional students to be more involved in a leadership experience at the PCC - Fremont Campus. Jason Messer is the co-creator with college staff person, Eric Ingmire. Members should check the calendar for member assignments. |
Rubber Ducky DerbyRead the article from the Canon City Daily Record. |
Community PartnersThe Community Partners for the Rotary Rubber Ducky Race have been announce for this year's race. What's a Community Partner? A Community Partner is a community service entity that is doing good to the community through its volunteer activities. Being a Community Partner allows the entity to utilize the derby to raise funds. During the first 30 days of ticket selling, Partners will receive 40% of each ticket they sell. Only Partners will sell during this period. Thanks to this year's Partners: Boy Scouts, Florence High School ACE, Florence Senior Center, Incident Management Team, Search and Rescue, Canon Literacy Center, Valdai Sister City Association, Canon City High School FCCLA, KinderHaus and the Boys & Girls Club. During the Blossom, there will be a booth set up at Veteran's Park.
Polio Eradication
Highway Trash PickupThe next tour of the "highway pickup" on Eightmile hill will be June 14. To see the details, click on "Committee Pages", then "Community Service" and "Highway Pickup". If you have not viewed the required safety video, click on the link. There will be two short videos.
Rotary Playground ParkThe reality of a new children's playground was made possible with grant matching funds of $5,000 and a commitment of 200 manhours by the club. Work team assignments have been made, "so let the work begin". Look under the "Photo Journal" for other photos.
Perfect Attendance Record |
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