What's more significant than being a Rotarian for 53 year? You might say being a club president. Maybe it would be a Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of your financial support of the Rotary International Foundation. For John "Jack" Waters it was all of these and 53 years of "perfect club meeting attendance"! You read it correctly. Jack has never missed a Rotary club meeting or a makeup at another club during his entire Rotary membership.
Jack became a Rotarian in the Vincennes (Indiana) Rotary Club on March 5, 1955. His first duty as a member was to setup the flag and other items for the meeting. Attendance became a challenge because a friend had several years of perfect attendance and another friend's father had perfect attendance. According to Jack, the person who failed to maintain perfect attendance was obligated to buy dinner for the other couples. For the next 35 years, there was no payoff.
The Waters family moved to CaƱonCity in 1996 and Jack continued his "perfect" way. The club recently awarded Jack a pin for his uninterrupted meeting attendance.
During his tenure as a Rotary, Jack has been a board member, Secretary-Treasurer, Vice-President, President (67-68), Attendance Chairman and Paul Harris Fellow. He is currently the club song leader. His employer was E. Viehaus, Inc. and his classification is Wholesale Foods.